Thursday, January 5, 2012

new space

I wasted no time getting a jump start on my New Year's goals. My first order of business was to create my own little space in our house where I could work on crafts. Our house is tiny, but we do have two extra bedrooms. This room didn't have any real purpose except to be a dumping ground for things when we couldn't or didn't want to find space for them. I hate clutter, so this room gave me a lot of anxiety and definitely did not promote creative thinking. There was a considerable lack of storage in there, so lots of items ended up sitting on the floor. It was beginning to look like an episode of hoarders! I'm actually a little embarrassed to show before pictures, but this is the reality of the situation.

I didn't have any money to spend, so I had to make do with the furniture and pictures that could be spared from other parts of the house. My only purchase was my new sewing table, which I love! I'm sure a professional could come in and do amazing things with the place, but I'm pretty proud of my little room. I can feel the creative juices flowing already!


Just looking at these pictures gives me anxiety!


First resolution...check! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY! It looks amazing, good job! We have that little tree pillow with our names on it was a wedding gift. How funny.
    Anyway, love the room. Can't wait to see the items you produce now.
