Wednesday, March 7, 2012

surprise ball

Apparently surprise balls have been floating around the web for a few years now, but I just heard about them last month from the Cakies blog. The concept is simple. You buy 10-12 small gifts and then wrap them up one at a time in crepe paper until you have one big giant ball of wrapped gifts! The receiver has to start at the beginning and slowly unwrap the ball. Gifts start falling out the closer you get to the end. It's a bit time consuming to unwrap, so it makes the gift last a long time! I think it's the cutest idea, so I made one for Anders for his birthday. I also think it's a waste of crepe paper, so I did save all of it and plan to reuse it for my next surprise ball. I think my nieces and nephews would get a kick out of this, so I might be making surprise balls for their birthdays all year long. I can't wait.

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