Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
evergreen state fair
Hey ya'll! We went to the fair yesterday...and ate a turkey leg...and a hot dog...and a scone...and we saw lumberjacks and chickens and rabbits and it was really fun!
Our hot dog was so epic, we got to write it on the stand's board. We are also gross. Epic and gross.
Friday, August 23, 2013
It's always a big deal when hatch chiles come into season. I wait for the big sign to appear outside of Whole Foods, and as soon as it does, I bring home a big load. If you find them in your area, I highly recommend them! A few tips: if you roast the chile, don't rinse them under water otherwise you'll wash away the flavor. Also, wear gloves when chopping! Oh, and unless you can handle heat, I would avoid the seeds. These babies are hot. True story...I accidentally ate a seed and spent the next few minutes with my tongue under the faucet. I'm also a wuss, so make your own choice.
Here is some inspiration to get you started!
I roasted mine and then served them with this dipping sauce
Country Captain Chicken with Hatch Chiles (slower cooker)
Can we get a Hey-YA for it being Friday!!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
seaplane series
A seaplane flew overhead when I was on the lake the other day. I took pictures, naturally. This is all!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
kubota gardens
Here are a few pictures from our visit to Kubota Garden, a beautiful Japanese garden in South Seattle and maybe my new favorite park in the city.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
roots and wings
My friend, Jen, over at Mermaid City and I have been posting bit and pieces from our lives every Tuesday for the past few months. We decided to mix things up a bit and define our pictures a bit more. So, our new topic is roots and wings, and here is our first set!
Monday, August 12, 2013
house update
The kitchen project is a bit behind. It was supposed to be done last Wednesday, but, well, not so much. Maggie will show you a few updates, though..
We have plastered and textured walls now.
And we have the start of our new island...but no sink. or running water. Dishes are still being done in the bathtub.
Oh and shingles...we now have shingles. Woohoo!
That's about it. Fingers crossed A LOT gets done this week.
That's about it. Fingers crossed A LOT gets done this week.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
cow roast
It’s not very often you get invited to picnic in which some
crazy looking medieval torture device is used to roast a 1000+ pound mammal. I've
heard of pig roasts, but a cow roast? Sign me up! One of our favorite
restaurants, Madison Park Conservatory, hosted a family style picnic out at Local Roots Farm that included: cocktails form Ebb and Flow, wine from Gilbert Cellars, the aforementioned mammal and a ton of delicious sides. There was also a
cornhole game, a band dressed like cowboys, DJ Riz and an impromptu river swimming session. All in all, a
delightful afternoon.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013
two for tuesday
A little weekly photo project.
Two pictures
Showing the bits and pieces
of Jen's and my life
I missed last week due to being on vacation, so here is week 7 and 8.
Week 7
Week 8
Monday, August 5, 2013
the florida way
Back from Florida! It was a fun (and very hot) trip. I met up with my parents, my siblings and their families, and we took my nieces and nephews to Disney World for a day first. One day was all anyone could handle of that place. It's not really my jam, but it was so fun to see the little girls excited about meeting princesses. After that, we headed to the Daytona for a week at the beach, which included sand castle building, ocean swimming, beer drinking and a whole lot of beach sitting. So fun and relaxing! Here are a few pictures.
My little sister, Emily, made us all matching shirts for Disney. I mean, please. Hilarious. A family that wears matching shirts together, stays together.
Me and my cutie nieces.
Meeting Gaston. The littles kept asking me if he was the "real" Gaston. To which I replied. Yes, of course!
My little sister's little monkey, Jack. So cute.
Off to Daytona! We stayed at Perry's Ocean Edge Resort where we have been staying every year for the past 15 years. Ask for a garden, ocean front room. Those are the best.
The beach sure is tiring for little babes.
Oh hi again, Jack!
Hooping contest
Impressive bubble blowing
And below you'll find a series of our week long sand sculptures. I wish I could claim credit for these, but I merely carried water (like one day) and left the art work up to my talented family. I mean, someone has to supervise from their chair with a cocktail, right? Tough job, but I was willing to do it.
See you soon, Florida!
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